Chick-fil-A Coleslaw Recipe, Lightly Sweet, Creamy & Oh So Good!

In true Chick-fil-A fashion, it’s a simple, but superior tasting coleslaw recipe that’s lightly sweet, tangy, creamy and perfectly crunchy for a beloved classic side dish you’ll really enjoy! Although no longer on their menu since 2016, the restaurant chain generously shared their 71-year-old top-secret recipe so people can make it at home. More reasons to love them!

Keeping it easy, quick and simple. Using finely shredded cabbage, vinegar, sugar, dry mustard, mayo and carrots you get a really great tasting coleslaw. Invest your time and stomach on this one.. because NOTHING compares!

Perfect for anytime. Coleslaw is essential in Southern cookouts, so enjoy with barbecue, pulled pork, hot dogs, anything fried, or by itself. It’s a delicious classic everyone will be getting second or third servings on!

Thank you Chick-fil-A…

Lightly sweet, tangy, creamy and perfectly crunchy. So delicious!


Preparation time: 5 minutes
Inactive time: 2 hours (refrigeration)
Servings: 6-8


  • 4 Tsp White Vinegar
  • 1/4 Cup sugar
  • 1/4 Tsp dry mustard
  • 1/4 Tsp salt
  • 1 Cup mayonnaise
  • 2 bags (10 oz. bags) fine shredded cabbage, chopped to one-eighth inch
    1/4 Cup finely chopped carrots


  1. Whisk vinegar, sugar, mustard and salt together until sugar is dissolved.
  2. Add mayonnaise and whisk to mix.
  3. Add cabbage and carrots. Mix to combine.
  4. Refrigerate for 2 hours and serve.


  1. For additional seasoning, crunch or sweetness, you can also add some celery seeds, finely chopped onion, bell pepper, raisins, pineapple, apple, or nuts.
  2. I omitted the salt, which I found made it taste better. To each their own!

Want Another Great Side Dish Recipe, Now Watch How To Make Cheesy Bacon Jalapeño Corn Dip!